Most items we sale will have to be shipped as freight. When possible items can be combined for cheaper per item rates. Rates are state based. If you are looking for an international rate or a rate to AK or Hi, give us a call or shoot us an e-mail. Although residential delivery is available, commercial delivery is preferred. Keep in mind most shipments are on an 8′ x 4′ crate & will need to be unloaded out of the back of a semi. The business that you ship to does not necessarily have to be owned by the purchaser, but just some where he or she has permission to send a big tractor trailer & has the equipment to unload. Examples of a common commercial locations include: Co-ops, Feed Stores, Warehouses, Body Shops, Car Dealerships, Hardware Stores, Lumber Yards etc… If you do not have a commercial location to go to, but would like to take advantage of the commercial rates, you can ship to the freight company’s local terminal. The problem sometimes with these is that the terminals are not so local. E-mail or call us if you would like to find out more info on your local terminal. Also contact us for residential rates. Residential rates are much more expensive than commercial.
Some items are shipped directly from the mfg & even if you are a local buyer you will have to pay shipping. Contact us for details.
If the item is shipped in Texas even if you are from a different state or country you will have to pay Texas sales tax.
When this item arrives, before signing for the item, please inspect the exterior & contents of the package. Insurance is included with the purchase, but the freight companies will not pay for items signed off as received in good condition. I will help as much as I can, but it will be really hard to get anything out of them as they are looking for any way out of paying for their mistakes.
If you are planning to pick one of these bumpers up, please contact me before driving out. We have some items here at the shop, but sometimes especially this time of year it is hard to keep them in stock. I would hate for you to drive out & waste your fuel & time getting out here for a part that isn’t here